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Club Rules

  • Waiver:  All riders must sign waiver and acknowledgement of facility rules.

  • Attire: All riders will wear closed toe, slip on or lace up boots with a heel while handling or riding horses All competitors will wear safe riding attire, boots, long pants, no exceptions. Style of shirt is rider’s choice. NO  shirts with profanity or vulgar connotations.

  • Cut off for sign up: Cut-off at 8:45 for the first event.

  • Minors: Minors must wear a helmet at ALL times when mounted. NO EXCEPTIONS! All riders under 18 must have their parent or legal guardian sign them in at every event. Wet signatures are required

  • Divisions: Riders may ride in any division they choose and accumulate points in that division. Riders are allowed a 1 division  bump up. If rider signs up in A and runs AAA times those times will not count toward daily high point. Daily Points awarded in only 1 division. Higher division placing will prevail. 

  • Refund Policy: Day of show entry fees are non-refundable with the exception of an injured horse or rider.  If this is the case, you will need one of our judges to verify the injury (show day) or a note from your doctor or your horse's vet (pre-entry refund requests).  Refund deadlines are 7 days from the date of the show. Refunds shall be in the form of a show voucher for credit at future shows.

  • Rider order: Riders entered in the show will NOT  ride out of order. 

  • Lead Line will ride 1st, followed by, AAA, AA, A, FC 11 & Under, FC 12-34 and FC 35 & Over.

  • Workers may ride out of order if show management approves.

  • Schoolings: Rider MUST BE ENTERED IN REGULAR SHOW & THE EVENT to run schooling ride. Rider must ask judge for a schooling. Rider is responsible for notifying the booth and paying the fee prior to running a schooling. Schoolings runs will be after the final rider in that event. Schoolings must be paid before summaries are distributed.  

  • Bareback Riding: NO RIDING BAREBACK. Members may ride with a bareback pad.


  • Dogs: Dogs must be on a leash at all times during the show.

  • No profanity.

  • No alcohol or drug use by riders or volunteers.

  • Unsafe conduct inside or outside the arena may result in disqualification. For the safety of the rider, other persons or horses that may be in jeopardy, 

  • Any person or persons causing a disturbance will be asked to leave. 

  • No hitting in front of the cinch or excessive force while on course.

  • No excessive rough riding or handling of horses while on premise.

  • No loping outside the arena.

  • The event judge will make the final call on every ride.

  • Do not tie horses anywhere besides at your trailer.

  • Lead line riders must have a bridle and reins on their horse. Walk & Trot only in lead line classes, no loping.

  • No one under 18 may handle or ride a stallion.

  • If a rider/horse is unruly, out of control, disrespectful, or poses a danger to themselves or the people around them they will asked to leave.

  • Riders are responsible for getting their horses into the arena and on course. If a horse refuses the gate, the rider will need to have a handler to help. It is not the gate persons responsibility to get a horse through the gate.   

  • We will have a chalk circle by the in gate. Please be in that area if you are the next rider one course.  If you are not the next rider, please stay behind that line.

  • All runs must start inside the foul line. 

  • 2 second penalty for any knocked obstacle during a run

  • If there is a timer malfunction the penalties from the first run will NOT be carried over to the re-ride. The rider will get a re-ride. If the re-ride has penalties. the rider will offered a third ride. 

  • Use of a stopwatch or other timing device by the rider or by someone helping the rider to deliberately alter the outcome of ride will result in immediate disqualification.

  • If the rider is thrown or falls while on course it is a no time.


    If the rider is off course they may go back to the point of error to correct it and complete the pattern,

    so long as they have not passed through the timers. If a correction is not made and the rider is off course this will be considered a “no time” .Off course is also breaking the plane of the delineators.

  • Vendors, onsite sales, demonstrations or any type of solicitation is limited to sponsors of TCR. Please see the sponsor tab.

  • Show Management has the right to exclude any attendee or group

  • ALL Show Management decisions are final.

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